Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Motivation and the Brain Essay

I certify that the attached paper, which was produced for the class identified above, is my original work and has not previously been submitted by me or by anyone else for any class. I further declare that I have cited all sources from which I used language, ideas and information, whether quoted verbatim or paraphrased, and that any and all assistance of any kind, which I received while producing this paper, has been acknowledged in the References section. This paper includes no trademarked material, logos, or images from the Internet, which I do not have written permission to include. I further agree that my name typed on the line below is intended to have, and shall have the same validity as my handwritten signature. A healthy lifestyle, complete with eating well, takes motivation and constant strong dedication to achieve. When the motivation to see the action completed is at its most compelling state, it can only be placated once the behavior has been fulfilled. A lifestyle that involves healthy eating should be what everyone strives to achieve, but all too often there are roadblocks. The continuous development of understanding regarding eating disorders has expanded beyond what use to just be looked at as anorexia and bulimia or disorders that just associated with malnutrition. Just as eating too little can have a negative effect on a person’s health, so can overindulging, or eating too much of the wrong things. In America today the emphasis is the on-the-go lifestyle, which places a higher incentive to eat junk food as the main staple in one’s diet. The fast food is a quick fix to satisfy the compelling need of hunger. What causes a person to more than satisfy or willingly ignore the motivation to eat is under constant scrutiny; science is finding the links between hormone and gene dysfunction and the onset of eating disorders. There are both intrinsic and extrinsic factors associated with eating healthily, these factors play heavily on how a person chooses to live their lifestyle. Brain Structure and Healthy Eating To start on the path of a healthy eating lifestyle one should begin in the brain. The ventromedial hypothalamus (VMH) and the lateral hypothalamus (LH) explain the neurological mechanisms of hunger and satiety (Pinel, 2007). The VHM and the LH seem to work together as a sort of stoplight for a person’s hunger and satiety. The hypothalamus is in charge of changing energy into fat stores, by doing this, the hypothalamus creates an incentive to increase ones calories. To put this into psychological terms, the hypothalamus uses the need for energy to create a psychological force or need for hunger and then food, then calculating the rate and amount of fat storage within the body. More than three years ago, geneticists conducted a study with the findings reported the startling discovery that nearly half of all people in the U.S. with European ancestry carry a variant of the fat mass and obesity associated (FTO) gene which causes them to gain weight — from three to seven pounds, on average — but worse, puts them at risk for obesity (University of California, 2010). The FTO gene was studied in mice at a lab in Oxford. One set of mice was administered extra copies of the FTO gene, and fed the standard diet along with the other mice. The mice with the added gene gained 22% more weight than the mice with only one set. It was discovered when the FTO gene becomes overactive there is a tendency to consume more food. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Factors Intrinsic and Extrinsic factors are the factors that work with healthy eating; these factors need to be considered when diet habits are evaluated. Hereditary factors, or intrinsic factors, such as certain types of eating disorders, can affect many generations within a family. Healthy eating and the act of maintaining a healthy eating lifestyle can be influenced by an eating disorder. An example of this would be a person with an undiagnosed case of anorexia might not be able to control their need to diet, thus stifling their ability to have and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Environmental factors, extrinsic factors, also have the ability to influence someone who is trying to eat healthy. For example, a person working in an ice cream store is likely to gain weight and become obese simply because they have access to fatty food multiple days during the week. Another extrinsic factor, which may influence someone’s eating habits, is how they were raised and taught to eat by their family. If the parents are unhealthy eaters, this will rub off on their children who will then grow up to be unhealthy eaters. Michigan State University conducted a study of families with children ranging in the one to three years old age range. The study found the mothers who considered their children to be picky eaters were the ones who did not offer fruits and vegetables as often. This study also learned extra attention must be placed on the family approach for eating good healthy food. When the mother and father makes an increased effort to feed their family healthy food the resulting outcome is a more positive role modeling. Eating healthy with eating disorders Eating healthy is not always possible, especially with someone who has an eating disorder. Even though the reasoning behind a lot of eating disorders is not very clear, there are many factors that are associated with them. Hormones, the environment, genetics, and neurological malfunctions can all be linked to eating disorders. Another factor that is commonly seen in people with an eating disorder is the family dynamic during their puberty years. Families who report being less supportive and less encouraging of the open expression of feelings are particularly prone to producing adolescents afflicted by eating disorders (Dixon et. al., 1989). When some neurological structures malfunction it can effect how people react to food, CT scans of teens exhibiting signs of anorexia show decreased size and functionality of the thalamus, hypothalamus, and other neurological structures (Chowdhury & Lask, 2000). Science has not figured out yet if it is food association that causes neurological problems, or if it is the neurological problems that contribute to the food association problems. Stanford University has been conducting studies of anorexic patients in therapy; they have come to the conclusion that the therapy works more effectively if the family of the patient were involved with the therapy as well. The researchers were able to see a full anorexic remission rate of 42% as apposed to the 23% of those patients who elected to have individual therapy sessions. For these reasons, the motivation following eating disorders such as anorexia and obesity surrounds a broad array of environmental incentives and psychological drives. Conclusion In conclusion, the structures within the brain that work with appetite and satiety are the lateral hypothalamus, aka LH, and the ventromedial hypothalamus, aka VHM. Hunger and the process of eating can be brought on by outside or environmental factors like family gatherings, the quantity of food available, the amount of variety of foods available, and the deliciousness. There are also biological factors that affect a person’s hunger. Some of these are; the obesity associated gene within a person, adolescence and puberty, what the family dynamic is like, and where one works. Reference: Chowdhury, U., Lask, B. (2000). Neurological correlates to eating disorders. European Eating Disorders Review, 8(2), 126-133. Retrieved May 15, 2009, from EBSCOHost Database. Deckers, L. (2010). Motivation: Biological, psychological, and environmental, Second Edition. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon. Dixon, K.N., Jones, D., Lake, M., Nemzer, E., Sansone, R., & Stern, S.L. (1989). Family environment in anorexia nervosa and bulimia. International Journal of Eating Disorders, 8(1), 25-31. Retrieved May 15, 2009, from EBSCOHost Database. Michigan State University (2010, December 16). Mothers’ diets have biggest influence on Pinel, J.J. (2007). Basics of biopsychology. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Stanford University Medical Center (2010, October 11). Family therapy for anorexia twice University of California – Los Angeles (2010, April 20). Obesity gene, carried by more than a third of the US population, leads to brain tissue University of Oxford (2010, December 6). Overactive FTO gene does cause overeating

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Philosophical Context in Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis

Intro Kafka never fully embraced Zionism, and he remained ambivalent toward Judaism. He was more openly interested in anarchism and socialism, but was not committed to either philosophy because he refused to completely align himself with an established worldview. Modernism -Kafka was exposed to Modernism. -Modernism was a movement during the late 19th century and early twentieth century of scientific, technological and industrial development. Modernists shared a desire to create literature that was new and different. Their belief was to capture the reality of modern life and that rapid change cause uncertainty, disjointedness, and alienation. Kafka wrote about the absurdity of existence, the alienating experience of modern life, and the cruelty of authoritarian power. -The word Kafkaesque has passed into the literature to describe an unsettling, disorienting, nightmarish world that is at once both fearful and menacing in its ambiguity and complexity. Kafka's views on Humanity Speakin g with his friend Max Brod, Kafka once explained that he thought human beings were trapped in a hopeless world. This belief never leaves Kafka's writing, and it is present in The Metamorphosis, where Gregor's only option, in the end, is to die. Ironically, the story ends on an optimistic note, as the family puts itself back together. Existentialism -Kafka never studied philosophy but he was friends with several intellectuals and read works by famous philosophers. -Several people think of Kafka as an existentialist. -Existentialism is a 20th-century philosophical movement, which assumes that people are entirely free and thus responsible for what they make of themselves. -The early 19th century philosopher Soren Kierkegaard is regarded as the father of existentialism. -Franz Kafka was an important literary author in existentialism. His story, which is surreal, is one of many modernist literary works that was influenced by existentialist philosophy. -The Metamorphosis advances the existential view of the responsibility of the individual to maintain a balance between work and leisure. If one chooses to devote their life entirely to work, they are no more than droning insects, yet if they devote their lives to leisure, they are no better off. -Gregor initially chooses society over himself, which in turn transformed him into the working drone he was. After his physical transformation, he is forced reassert his focus to himself, and society abandons him. Nietzche and Kierkgaard -Kierkegaard and Nietzsche considered the role of making free choices,  Kierkegaard's  knight of faith  and Nietzsche's  Ubermensch  are representative of people who exhibit  Freedom and define the nature of their own existence. -Nietzsche's ideal individual invents his or her own values and creates the terms under which they excel. -Gregor's monstrous insect form represents Gregor's radical refusal to submit to society's values like Nietzschean Ubermensch. Martin Buber -Kafka was friends with philosopher and existentialist Martin Buber. They would send each other letters and these letters were later published in Bubers The letters of Martin Buber: a life of dialogue. Together they discussed existentialism and were part of a literary circle. They were both jewish and anarchists. -Shared existentialist rejection of achieving real satisfaction in life. Characters in Kafka’s tales are left wanting something, needing a connection to the world that can never be made complete. Sigmund Freud -Kafka was familiar with the newly published works of Sigmund Freud. -However, he was no Freudian disciple and wrote negatively of psychoanalytic theory. But Gregor's conflict with his father and the dream-like quality of the story realtes to Freud's analysis of dreams and the Oedipal complex: – A subconscious sexual desire in a child, especially a male child, for the parent of the opposite sex, usually accompanied by hostility to the parent of the same sex. – All sons feel they are in competition with their father and often feel in a battle against the father. Father vs. Son in Metamorphosis -Gregor seems to have a difficult relationship with his father. His family rejects him, and his main enemy is his father, who wants to kill him. When Gregors father sees Gregor in his insect form, he shakes his fist at him and glares at him fiercely. Later he attacks him with a newspaper and a walking stick, and, bombards him with apples, causing him serious injury. -He is also makes sarcastic comments, suggesting for instance that Gregor's room is untidy. -It also turns out that he has deceived Gregor about the family finances, thus extending the length of Gregor's employment at the hateful traveling salesman's job. -He also does not seem particularly appreciative of the money Gregor has been bringing in. Gregor's disappointment over the lack of appreciation is one of the few critical thoughts he thinks about his father. -He also thinks briefly that the money his father hid from him could have been used to free him from his job sooner, but he quickly dismisses the thought by saying that no doubt his father knew best. -Basically Gregors father abuses him, but he suppresses his angry responses and accepts his downtrodden state. Marx and Kafka -Karl Marx believed alienation is a result of capitalism. – Kafka was influenced by his political philosophy of Marxism. A Marxist would read Gregor's inability to work as a protest against the dehumanizing and alienating effects of working in a capitalistic society. -Gregor Samsa, the protagonist, signifies the proletariat, or the working class, and his unnamed manager represents the bourgeoisie. -The conflict that arises between the two after Gregor's metamorphosis, which leaves him unable to work, represents the dehumanizing structure of class relations. -Finally, the results of Gregors inability to work is abandonment by his family and death. -The words he chooses to describe his job, â€Å"torture,† â€Å"worrying,† and â€Å"miserable† show his discontent with his job. He says, â€Å"If I didn't hold back for my parents' sake, I would have quit long ago†. It is only economic necessity that keeps him going to work everyday. Historical Context -In 1912, when Kafka was writing â€Å"The Metamorphosis,† Prague was a city of ethnic tensions, primarily between Czechs and Germans and between Czechs and Jews. -Economically, the late nineteenth century marked the climax of the Industrial Revolution in Europe. -Industrial development within the Austro-Hungarian Empire, was not as advanced as in Europe but Prague was one of the most advanced and prosperous cities in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. However, along with the prosperity created by the new industrialism came dislocation and disruption of the old ways, largely as a result of the shift of large numbers of people from the countryside to the city. Industrialization also meant the appearance of large numbers of jobs, for both factory and office workers, which was hardwork. And the school syst em enforced a system of routine learning that seemed relentlessly joyless—at least it seemed joyless to young Kafka, who hated school, just as he hated his first full? time job. Long hours at boring jobs create alienation. And oppressive employers like Gregor's were normal.

Rhetorical Analysis Essay

Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth: Rhetorical Analysis In Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, he focuses on the harm global warming does to our planet. He wants to persuade people that global warming is real, and that they should contribute to the effort of slowing, even completely stopping, global warming. Gore uses a variety of ways to appeal to pathos and logos. One of the first things he does, is explain global warming, he them proceeds to show a short, funny cartoon to describe global warming. While this short is not exactly accurate, and looks like it is taken from The Simpsons cartoon, it is comical, and he uses this short to intrigue his audience. After drawing us in, he keeps us attentive by sprinkling these little emotional holds into his argument. Gore tells us in the beginning about his son being hit by a car when he was five years old. This anecdote causes an overwhelming sense of sympathy and alarm but also wonder of how this relates to the argument. Then, Gore tells us tells us that the awful accident made his realize he wanted to do something important, wanted to do something to change the world, and that something was to spread the â€Å"global warning. †Almost fifty percent of the facts Al Gore uses also carry an emotional appeal, but they also are appealing to logos. Such as, if only half of Greenland and half of Antarctica melted water would cover so much land, including the 9/11 memorial, that the world maps would have to be redrawn, and he also tells us that global warming causes intense weather conditions, including hurricanes. Gore provides an audio track of a man describing hurricane reports that were coming in after making this point, and in the track the unknown man repeats â€Å"I can’t take it anymore, the water is up to my neck,† creating guilt in the audience. We contributed to that. Al Gore does a great job of presenting an appeal to pathos and logos. Al Gore uses more than just humor and anecdotes to relay information, however. He also uses expert testimony, and quantitative data by presenting a variety of charts, graphs, and pictures created by scientist, to prove his point. Gore uses a chart that shows how carbon dioxide and temperature correlate. When carbon dioxide rises, so does the temperature. At the time of the documentary, the carbon dioxide level was higher than it has ever been. He also uses a chart to show the ten hottest years in history, at that point in time, they all occurred within 14 years before. He places a higher thought of the two charts and other unmentioned, by saying that they were before unseen by the public. In addition to humor, anecdotes, expert testimony, and quantitative data to prove his point, he also throws just a few plain old facts at us. For example, Gore tells us that 200 towns and cities in the west have broken temperature records, and that science textbooks have had to be rewritten because it was before thought impossible for a hurricane to take place in the South-Atlantic, but then there was one. The hurricane was caused by warming of waters ocean wide. Al uses his variety of vehicles to present information to his advantage. While Al Gore does do a nice job of making his point, it would all be somewhat of a waist without established ethos. If he had no ethos, we would not take anything he said into consideration. When Gore introduces himself, he says, â€Å"I’m Al Gore and I used to be the next president of the United States. †Some people think that this may hurt him, but it is very untrue. He has to be a highly intelligent and well thought of man to run for president, and the votes were said to be â€Å"too close to count. Gore also establishes ethos through his dress; he is very well put together and professional. Al Gore has also written a book about global warming, and he would not be well enough equip to do so if he did not know a vast amount about it. This little piece of ethos helps him most to be taken seriously and for his audience to know that he knows what he is talking about. His audience is almost important to his ethos, and his audience is simply everyone in the world. Global warming is an issue for everyone who lives on this planet and Gore makes sure that he gets the word out. He even said that he knows that he has given his speech over one thousand times worldwide. Al Gore’s high level of ethos helps him to better appeal to the people of the world to spread the word on global warming. Al Gore was highly successful in furthering his message. When you take everything that he says and the methods he used to relay information, there is no doubt that he did. If he tells a small, or large, group of people about global warming, they are going to tell people they know about it and the word will spread. The way Gore gives his message was key. Everything he says is easy to follow and understand. He avoids anything that could cause confusion and backs up everything he says with something that correlates. For instance, the frog animation. Some people do not believe in global warming because it is gradual, but when you put a frog in water and slowly raise the temperature it also is unknowing. This example can turn skeptics into believers. Everything Al Gore says and does in his documentary adds to the success in thoroughly presenting his message. In Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, he uses an appeal to people’s logos and pathos through various techniques to persuade his audience that global warming is here and harming. His high level of ethos and knowing his audience well helps him to be taken seriously on this matter and over all being successful in giving his message to the world.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Professionalism values and ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 1

Professionalism values and ethics - Essay Example This report aims at investigating how professional values and ethics are employed by the architect contracted to turn UAL Campus. The design’s main goal was to optimise connections between departments within the building, which include the movement of materials and students. The idea behind the design can be said to be the same historical reason, which comprised movement of grain around the granary using wagons. This report will analyse comprehensively the purpose retrofitting and architectural design of University of Arts London, Kings Cross campus in the context of the build environment. The historic, economic, aesthetic and ecological context of the built environment will be evaluated in terms of professionalism, values and ethics. There are a range of factors that shape the built environment posing an architectural dilemma that need to be solved in adherence to professional values and ethics of architect. This project was considered for this paper since the building exemplifies an exemplary conversation of a derelict historic building into a glorious public space and still retain sustainable values (Harries, 1998). Some of the questions that emerged from people with regards from this case include: The architects commissioned were Stanton Architects to design the campus that was estimated to cost  £200 million in the Grade II listed Granary Complex. The university sought to transform the historical building into an aesthetic centre of learning which would be sustainable enough to meet the needs of the students and those of the community too. The University of Arts London campus project was completed in 2011. The building consolidates the Central Saint Martins’ college’s activities under one roof. It comprises of the Granary Building, Eastern Transit Shed, and there are two new four storey studio buildings. The environmental location of this project is very impressive as well as the atmosphere (Fox 2012). It is in

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Speech Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Speech - Essay Example This is a very significant reason for which expats are crowding in Kuwait. Oil is the main source of the country’s GDP. Almost 50% of the total GDP is contributed by oil. Oil accounts for more than 90% of total revenue of the economy. Therefore expats are expected to find jobs in the oil sector. The present political situation in Kuwait can be called as a constitutional monarchy which can cause a threat for the expats. The purpose of the speech is to show the listeners that the present situation in Kuwait for the expats is not good as it was previously. The majority of the foreign workers are generally attracted by the huge potential of the oil industry in Kuwait. Apart from the oil industry other different sectors like sales, marketing, and jewelry industry is also booming and attracting many expats from different parts of the world. Different local companies and multinational companies are recruiting expats. In spite of being an attractive destination for finding jobs, recent trends are saying that numbers of expatriates are decreasing in the country. Kuwaiti Government has taken a serious initiative for reducing numbers of expats from the country. Young citizens of Kuwait are getting very good educations and increasing education qualities are positioning local people in to top level management of different organizations. Government of Kuwait has taken the initiative in a very strict manner. Current situations of expats in the country are like a horror movie. Deputy Director of General Public authority has issued a notice giving direction to the labor department that to issue of work permits for expats have to be done very selectively. In the current situation different employers are warned very seriously not to recruit marginal workers from foreign countries. It is often being noticed that different organizations in the country recruit expats for the sake of supplying them to other employers. Government of Kuwait is imposing strict ban on

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Should Under God We Trust be taken off US currency Essay

Should Under God We Trust be taken off US currency - Essay Example It is then a bit troubling and awkward for the US treasury to continue to print money bills with the phrase â€Å"In God We Trust.† This essay provides arguments to the position that the US should eliminate the use of this phrase in the printing of future currency bills. To understand why the religious motto â€Å"In God We Trust† is utilized in the printing of money it is essential to look at the history of this event. The motto was first utilized right after the civil war in America to serve as a sign of peace and unity among U.S citizens who were separated by internal conflict and need a common reminder of higher being watching over the horrendous acts being committed in a war. At that time it may have been justified, but in modern times this religious connotation should have been eliminated a long time ago. If our education system prohibits the teaching of religion in our public school system, then why should our economic system openly promote religion through a slogan? The utilization of this slogan contradicts the official position of the US government of separating state and the church. President Theodore Roosevelt once expressed in a letter his position on the issue, â€Å"My own feeling in the matter is due to my firm conviction tha t to put such a motto on coins, or use it in any kindred manner, not only does no good but does positive harm, and in effect irreverence which comes dangerously close to sacrilege† (Procon, 2008). The utilization of this motto sets forth a precedent right before our eyes that discriminate against believer of other religions that are not Christian based. Since other religions such as Buddhism and Muslim do not believe in god, instead they refer to the almighty as Buddha or Allah. â€Å"In this nation that is suppose to be this beacon of religious liberty. What’s next? ‘In Jesus We Trust’ ’In Protestantism We Trust’ † (Newdow, 2006). The US government is taking an official stance in preference of Christians; when the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Law Problem Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Law Problem Questions - Essay Example â€Å"Can you bring a bag for ?20 and meet me?† â€Å"Any chance of my usual, Friday 8 pm?† â€Å"Are you ‘big Max’? Any chance bag ?50 Thursday?† The prosecution want to adduce these messages and others which are similar, as evidence against Max. They also want to introduce evidence about his contacts. Explain whether or not they will be able to do this, paying close attention to the Criminal Justice Act 2003. (300 words) According to the Criminal Justice Act of 2003, it is common knowledge that what is possible to charge someone with a crime for which there is insufficient hard evidence, but ample circumstancial evidence. For example, there are many things that can be taken into account under the new Act passed by the Parliament, including the notion of character. Based upon the reputation that daily builds one’s character, law enforcement officials can piece together a story for the judge that details what this person’s life is lik e, what his usual routines are, and other details that might be substantially important in deciding one’s guilt or innocence. ... fore, the new Criminal Justice Act of 2003 increases Max’s chance of being snagged by the new Act—which allows autrefois acquit, also famously known as â€Å"double jeopardy.† Double jeopardy is allowed by the new Act, especially if there is compelling evidence to believe that for some reason a crime has been committed. However, of course what constitutes compelling would probably have to be an overwhelming amount of evidence in order to determine one’s relative guilt or innocence. In this case, Max does not have much choice except to allow the legal process to take its natural legal course. (1) EU Law Problem Question (The following events, names and legislation, both European and domestic are all fictitious.) Council Directive 2009/ABC on Air Travel Protection requires Member States to introduce a measure by 1 November 2010: 1) giving passengers the right to a full refund on airline tickets purchased within the European Union where a journey is cancelle d irrespective of the cause of the cancellation; 2) giving passengers an automatic right to claim expenses for overnight accommodation from the airline, where a journey in the European Union is delayed by more than four hours irrespective of the cause of the delay; and ?3) giving passengers the right to a block payment of ?200, payable immediately, for all checked-in luggage lost on flights within the European Union. On 20 November 2010, Sadie purchased a ticket from UK Air Ltd which is financed partly by private shareholders and partly by Government grant. Four members of the Board of Directors of UK Air Ltd are appointed by the Minister for Transport. Unfortunately, Sadie’s flight from London to the Bahamas was cancelled due to adverse weather. Sadie immediately exercised her right to claim

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Advertising targeting children Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Advertising targeting children - Essay Example The researchers implemented a two-level Bayesian hierarchical linear model. The research concluded that all three methods – incentives, pledges, and competitions – were successful in improving students to increasingly incorporate fruits and vegetables into their diet. Further analysis of these results demonstrated that younger children responded more actively to incentives and pledges than did older children. While I had difficulty understanding the specific way the quantitative data was used, for the most part I understood the article. I appreciated this article as it is concerned with a socially responsible cause. I also felt that these findings could greatly aid students throughout their lives. Even though many of the students in the study may go back to poor eating habits, the very act of them practicing these habits at this age will for sure contribute to their developing strong habits in the future. Dar et al. (2011) examined the role and functions of fast food advertising on children. Within this area of investigation the research indicates that the Canadian government became highly concerned with the childhood obesity epidemic. Because of these concerns there is growing policy measures proposed that would prohibit or restrict fast food advertising on children. Subsequently this research sought to identify the effect of this advertising on children. The research implemented a quantitative research design. Specifically the researchers examined statistical data on household expenditures on fast food in a Quebec town from 1982 to 1992. This statistical data was compared to data from a town where fast food advertising had been banned. The difference between these figures was then used to determine the impact of the advertising. More specifically a triple difference methodology was used to examine these statistical findings. The researchers indicate that a ban on fast food advertis ing

Review of Telephone and Data Network Research Paper

Review of Telephone and Data Network - Research Paper Example There are total two network segments for all the departments located at this site. The first network segment includes corporate and finance department. The second segment includes MFG, MTLS and QA departments respectively. The third network segment includes laser jet printers. The fourth segment indicated as a gateway switch on the network diagram indicates another network segment connecting all the servers located at the site. The fifth segment indicates the factory floor. Lastly, the sixth segment indicates WAN segment including devices that are required to communicate with the WAN interface. Pontiac is responsible for generating custom-based plastic parts. After analyzing the network diagram, the site has total four network segments. Three out of four are segmented to provide network services to employees working on the site. One of the three network segments is proving connectivity to the WAN devices. The fourth network segment is connecting the workstations of the manufacturing floor. In the end, the remaining site that is the research and development facility, which is also the head office of Riordan manufacturing, consists of total five network segments. The first two segments are providing network services to four different department including Corp, Marketing, Finance and HR. The third segment is connecting color printers. ... Physical intervention is required as the hub backs up each network segment, if the hub become nonoperational, the workstations of the entire department becomes unavailable on the network. Moreover, it is not necessary that each network segment is using the same cabling scheme (Chapter 5: Topology). Due to compatibility issues, cross cabling or straight cabling is required, consequently making difficult for network engineers to troubleshoot network issues. However, in the current network diagram, a standardized cabling scheme is implemented to ease network management issues. Moreover, due to separate network segments on the network, some network segments may become vulnerable to threats, as network administrators do not have a centralized access to the network devices. These considerations must be analyzed during the network design stage of an organization. Network LAN Topologies Network topologies are essential before implementing a network as per requirements of an organization. Top ology is a framework defining the arrangements of every object on the network. This includes workstations, network components, servers, WAN devices and many more. There are total five topologies to design a computer network. However, all of these five topologies shares certain factors. Each topology demonstrates disadvantages as well as advantages that will be discussed further. The five different topologies are illustrated below: Star Topology Star topology is recommended for the wired local area network. It is the most widely adopted topology. The star topology supports the centralized provision of network resources and services. The support staff can manage the network administrative and troubleshooting tasks centrally. Star topology helps to implement centralized security

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Open university assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Open university assignment - Essay Example Private bills make up majority of the bills but are rarely passed compared to government bills and there are three ways to introduce a private member bill to the house. The first is where member put names in a ballot once per session and the ones who are chosen are given time to introduce the bill it is referred to as the private members ballot. The second is the Ten Minute rule where members are given ten minutes to outline the proposed new piece of legislation. The third is where standing order 57 where a bill is introduced without debate prior to a one day notice to the table notice (Craig, 2007). A bill goes through several stages before it becomes law; the first stage which is a formality is called the first reading. The second reading is where it is debated and may be voted in or voted out. The committee evaluates the bill clause by clause where further consideration comes. The speaker then decides on which amendments are to be debated. After the house has considered he bill the passage of motion follows and no further amendments are made this is where the third reading comes into play. The bill is read to the house for the third time and it must now be voted by the House of Lords, passage of the bill to one house it is taken to the other house. If the bill is passed by the two houses in similar form it’s then taken for the sovereign assent .The final stage is where the royal gives the assent and the bill becomes law. Delegated legislation refers to la w that is not passed through the act of parliament. The empowering act gives a minister delegated power to pass a law. Delegated law is usually made through signing by the minister or a senior member of the civil service who creates it though in some cases verbal assent from the queen is important. Most of the delegated legislation is created using statutory instrument where it is

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business law 'corporate personality' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Business law 'corporate personality' - Essay Example o such existence the right of the company to sue and be sued in its own name, hold its own property and liable to any debts that are accrued(Rose et al 2009). The main provision of this concept is limited liability (that is the liability of the shareholders is restricted only to the unpaid amount of their shares) for shareholders and therefore the debts of the company are restrained to the legal entity of the company. (Ridley 2009) The concept evolved when small businesses began to avail the use of such corporate form and this was done in the landmark decision of Salomon v Salomon1 where Mr. Salomon, a leather merchant formed a company which included his wife, five children and himself (this was done to fulfill the requirement of shareholders as per the Companies Act prevailing at that time). He appointed himself as the managing director of the company and subsequently purchased the sole trading business. However the valuation placed on the business being purchased was not fair, but this was due to his confidence in the business and not due to any mala fide intentions. The business was valued at 39,000 pounds of which 10000 were paid by issuance of debentures plus 20,000 shares at 1 pound each and 9000 pounds in cash. After a certain period the company went into insolvent liquidation and a liquidator was appointed by the court. The liquidator evaluated that the company was a sham and a mere agent of Mr. Salomo n and went on to conclude that he should be held personally liable to the debts of the company. The House of Lords reversing the decision of the Court of Appeal, which was a moralistic approach, stated that the fact that some of the shareholders were holding shares so as to fulfill a technicality was irrelevant and so the procedure which had been laid down by the Companies Act could be used by any person who in reality wanted to carry on what was in reality his own business. The Court further went on to state that if a company had been formed in accordance

Monday, July 22, 2019

Analysing an Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestly Essay Example for Free

Analysing an Inspector Calls by J.B. Priestly Essay In the closing scene of the play the main focus is on Eddie and how badly he wants his name back and he is willing to do anything to get it, even kill if he has to. When Rodolpho comes and kisses Eddies hand, it is showing that Rodolpho is willing to settle for half, which links back to Alfieris prologue, this demonstrates the fact that Rodolpho knows he has been caught and that Marco will have to go back to Italy but he doesnt mind as long as he can be friends with the uncle of his bride. Rodolpho, by coming to apologise s really trying to protect Marco because he knows what he is going to do, as later on he says Eddie, please, he has children! You will kill a family! we know then that this is leading up to the climax of the play and then the resolution. First of all Eddie only wants is him to come here and apologise to him but later on when Rodolpho does come to apologise his demands change and he now wants his name back because Marco publicly shamed him when he shouted I accuse that one he also said he killed my children! That one stole the food from my children! because Marco will now no longer be able to work in America, he will not be able to earn money to send back to Italy to feed his children. After he shouted this out in the neighbourhood and everyone knows that Eddie Carbone snitched he only wants his name and reputation back. When Marco appears (his eyes are murderous and he cracks his knuckles)we are given an indication here that Eddie is going to do something to Marco, although he tries to stay positive by saying maybe he come to apologise to me. After this we are brought to the climax of the play Eddie (lunges for Marco) and Marco instantaneously strikes Eddie in return. As the inevitable happens and the knife is plunged into Eddie by Marco and the crowd rush in to separate them Marco has delivered his own justice upon Eddie but with a knife and not using the law like Alfieri suggested he do. This is the climax of the play and has terrible consequences for both of the characters as there search for justice ends simultaneously, because Eddie is dead so can no longer have justice and Marco has killed Eddie so has carried out his own justice. In Alfieris epilogue he again raises the fact that most of the time now we settle for half but this is not something which Marco was willing to do, he wanted justice and there was nothing that was going to stop him. Conclusively, miller communicates strong themes of law and justice in the play. Each character has their own views on what is right and what is wrong. The differences between the Sicilian society and the American society also play a large part. This is shown when Marco says that Eddie would be dead by now if he was in Italy because he had snitched on the two brothers. This is probably why Marco wanted to deliver his own justice because thats what he would do in his own country. Also Eddie hadnt actually done anything wrong in the eyes of the law, in fact it was commendable by the law because he reported illegal immigrants, and it was the fact that he betrayed relatives that needed justifying.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Tired Old Town Of Maycomb Society English Literature Essay

The Tired Old Town Of Maycomb Society English Literature Essay At the start of the novel, Scout describes Maycomb as a tired old town with lazy habitants. This gives us the impression that nothing much happens in Maycomb and that the area is dull. She describes it as being a small laidback town where everyone knows each others business. Scout also describes to us how there are few things to do in Maycomb: there was no hurry, for there was nowhere to go, nothing to buy and no money to buy it with, nothing to see outside the boundaries of Maycomb County. This sets the scene and justifies from a childs point of view how there is nothing to do and that Maycomb is a rather boring town. The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird is set in the southern town of Maycomb, Alabama in the 1930s. At this time there were many background problems in the USA caused by the economic downturn. At the height of the Depression in 1933, nearly 25% of the countrys total population, roughly 12,830,000 were unemployed. As poverty increased, people looked for someone to blame. They told themselves that things would be better without the ethnic minorities, and that it was their fault. At this point in history, prejudice and racial discrimination was at its greatest causing segregation between the blacks and the whites; they lived separately and had different benches, churches and bus priorities. In 1932, Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected as the countrys president. He tried to clean up the economy and improve it but, despite all his efforts and the courage of the American people, the Depression hung on until 1941. The novel was written in 1959 and published in 1960. It is likely that many of its c ontent were based on the effects of the great depression, thus including the Scottsboro trials which formed the basis of Tom Robinsons trial in the novel. The novel also draws influences from the effect of the Civil Rights Movement, which was determined to establish racial equality. Although initially Maycomb may seem to have negative aspects, there are in fact, several positive aspects to be explored. Maycomb regards itself as a very religious town. Everything is kept in simplest form to prevent distraction from God. Jem tells Dill that they: Dont have any picture shows here, except Jesus ones in the courthouse sometimes. This shows how Maycomb does not want its inhabitants to become distracted and less faithful to the church. Throughout the novel there are many references to God, I couldnt go to church and worship God if I didnt help that man. This emphasises the relationship that the citizens of Maycomb have with the church. We also learn that the people spend a lot of their time at church during the week: In the long hours of church this reminds us of what a strong, religious community Macomb is, as its inhabitants are faithful and honest to the church. Church-going is described as Maycombs principle recreation. Maycomb is a close, strong bound community and everyone helps when there is a crisis. We see this during the fire at Miss Maudies house: the men of Maycomb, in all degrees of dress and undress, took furniture from Miss Maudies house to a yard across the street. This shows how Maycomb can be a supportive community and that most people help out when someone is in trouble. We see how many of the people act in a heroic way as they risk their lives to save some of Miss Maudies belongings: I saw Atticus carrying Miss Maudies heavy oak rocking chair, and I thought it sensible of him to save what she valued the most. Atticus seems to understand what is important to Miss Maudie and this shows how many of the neighbours are close friends since it is a very small community. Even though they do not get along terribly well, Miss Stephanie helps out by offering hospitality to Miss Maudie since she has nowhere to go. Towards the end of this chapter, it appears that even Boo Radley may have helped d uring the fire. Having watched the fire from in front of the Radley gate, Scout is appalled when she discovers that Boo may have helped by wrapping a blanket around her shoulders whilst she was freezing cold: I looked down and found myself clutching a brown woollen blanket I was wearing around my shoulders my stomach turned to water and I nearly threw up when Jem held out the blanket and crept towards me. This reveals how the rumours about Boo Radley may be untrue as he seems to help by showing kindness during the fire. We also notice how the community helps one another when Tim Johnson, the rabid dog, comes towards the inhabitants houses down the road. Calpurnia is very quick-to-think as she informs everyone on the street not to go outside. She even runs back outside to warn the Radleys not to come out. Also, despite the fact that neither of them want to shoot the dog, both Atticus and Mr Tate arrive quickly to deal with the situation, in order to keep the rest of Maycomb safe. Maycomb has many respectable citizens. Throughout the novel, we admire Atticus for his polite, modest and respectful behaviour. He sees people for who they truly are and does not judge them according to rumours and myths: you never really understand someone until you climb into their skin and walk around in it this is his method of understanding people and it is an important message in the novel. He is courteous to everyone, including those he does not get along with: Good evening, Mrs Dubose! You look like a picture this morning. This demonstrates how Atticus is a charming gentleman as he uses his politeness to deal with uneasy situations. Atticus understands Mrs Dubose and her condition and despite her demanding manners he remains pleasant and we think highly of his respectable manners, as he seeks to find the best in everyone. Miss Maudie is a kind, gentle, respectable person. She believes that everyone deserves to be treated fairly and equally and does not wish to gossip about people. She is very respectful towards everyone; when Scout asks her if Boo is still alive, she corrects him by saying: His names Arthur. This shows that Miss Maudie does not believe he should be treated any differently from anyone else, just because of the rumours, and deserves to be addressed by his real name. When Aunt Alexandra arrives in Maycomb, everyone is very kind and welcoming to her: Miss Maudie Atkinson baked a Lane cake so loaded with shinny it made me tight; Miss Stephanie Crawford had long visits with Aunt Alexandra, consisting mostly of Miss Stephanie shaking her head and saying, Uh, uh, uh, Miss Rachel next door had aunty over for coffee in the afternoons, and Mr Nathan Radley went so far as to come up in the front yard and say he was glad to see her. This shows that the people in Maycomb are very polite and friendl y towards the right types of new citizens, giving pleasant first impressions. We also see this when we are told that Aunt Alexandra fitted in the world of Maycomb like a hand into a glove. It shows how everyone has helped to settle her in and make her feel like part of their community. In Maycomb, there are rarely occasions where people are forced to face their fears, as the town is usually very quiet and nothing much happens. However there are some moments in the novel where we do witness some examples of courage. Chapter 6 shows an example of physical courage when Jem returns to the Radley house to collect is trousers. Previously in the scene, we notice how Jem is in fact the scared character of the children: Jem leaped off the porch and galloped towards usJems breath came in sobs- fence by the school yard! hurry, Scout!', this emphasizes the frightening atmosphere as he is the one who we would expect to be the bravest. We admire Jem for his courage and bravery when he returns to get his trousers and face his fears. Chapter 10, Atticus is reluctant to shoot the dog as he has not shot a gun for 30 years since he believes that he has been given an unfair advantage, he realized that God had given him an unfair advantage over most living things. This shows that he i s a civilised person and does not want to use his talent to destroy innocent living things. As he has not used a gun in such a long time, Atticus is slightly anxious as he is told miss and youll go straight into the Radley house. There is also the possibility that if he is inaccurate, he may wound the dog rather than killing it. All of these factors increase tension: Atticus pushed his glasses to his forehead; they slipped down, and he dropped them in the street. In the silence I heard them crack. This increases the tension and makes us feel sympathy for him. We respect him for the courage he has to shoot the dog for the benefit of Maycomb, despite the anxiety and problems he encounters. Despite Maycombs racial prejudice, Atticus agrees to represent Tom Robinson in the trial. He knows that it will cause difficulty for his family: when summer comes youll have to keep your head about far worse things its not fair for you and Jem, I know that we notice that he is foreshadowing the tria l and this tells us that things are going to get bad. We can sense it will be difficult as there will be added pressure created by the communitys attitudes. This is where we see courage: Ive got to live with myself. The one thing that doesnt abide by majority rule is a persons conscience, Atticus is making a stand which shows that he is determined to get through the difficult situation yet to be. Another member of Maycomb, who exhibits courage, is Mrs Dubose. This is where we see that although her physical state was weak, underneath she was strong and focused on what she wanted to achieve: her whole mind and body were concentrated on that alarm clock. This shows how determined she was to free herself form the morphine addiction. Atticus admires her for her bravery she said she meant to break herself of it before she died, and thats what she did this is a very powerful example of real courage in the novel as it shows independence and it brings to mind that with determination, almost anything can be overcome. We see how Maycomb values tradition as its inhabitants do not wish to develop or change their ways. Although at the time the North was becoming quite developed, many Southern states did not develop, and remained mostly farmers with their fields: stripped of everything but their land, yet the tradition of living on the land remained unbroken. This shows how they were quite happy with their usual, traditional methods of living. Maycomb is a simple town and there is little to do or to buy as it does not want any of the new modern technology: Dont have any picture-shows here, this shows how Maycomb is behind its time as other areas such as Meridian, Mississippi, where Dill comes from, have moved on from this stage and are more advanced with technology. Maycomb County is very proud of itself and people such as Mr Cunningham do not want to change their poor ways of living: Mr Cunningham could get a W.P.A. job, but his land would go to ruin if he left it, and he was willing to go hungry to keep his land and vote as he pleased. This shows how Maycomb values tradition as they are proud of it. However, there are also many negative aspects of Maycomb which we encounter. Maycomb is a divided society and suffers from class prejudice so everyone is treated differently. The Finches and Miss Maudie are both respectable whites and give the impression that they live pleasant easy-going lives. Although, later in the novel we find out that this is not the case as we see that Atticus is faced with many difficult challenges causing corruption in the neighbourhood. We therefore admire him for his talent at hiding his true emotions and feelings by misleading others to believe that he has an easy-going life. The majority of the community respect the Finches and Miss Maudie for their kind nature and pleasant personalities as they understand people and see them for who they truly are. We see that there are characters in the community who think themselves as respectable but do not behave in the correct manner, that they should. Mrs Dubose is rude and strong-minded when we come across her in the novel: Dont you say hey to me, you ugly girl! You say good afternoon Mrs Dubose!. Though she is impolite she has manners and demands people to behave in the same way. Aunt Alexandra is obsessed with the superiority of the Finch family. She bosses Calpurnia from the minute she arrives:-put my bag in front of the bedroom, Calpurnia. She does not seem to show any respect to members of the lower class as she believes she is far superior and therefore does not need to. She is also bossy to the children and wants them to live up to their name: she asked me to tell you that you must try to behave like the little lady and gentleman you are. this shows how she is unsatisfied with how Jem and Scout behave and wants them to do as she says to change their ways. We notice there are two types of people suffering from the effects of poverty in the novel. The Cunninghams are very poor farmers who have been affected by the depression. They do not have the money to buy things, they own very few possessions and most of the time they are hungry. We admire them for their integrity as they never borrow things that they cannot pay back. The Ewells are also poor though they are also uneducated. The Ewells [are] members of an exclusive society made up of Ewells. They take the law into their own hands because they are incontrollable so no one can stop them. In chapter 3, we learn more about the Ewell family and begin to understand what their home life is like. Since they are poor, they are also very dirty as they do not have enough money to clean themselves and do not care. We first encounter this when Scout describes Burris Ewells appearance during school: he was the filthiest human I had ever seen. His neck was dark grey, the backs of his hands were rusty, and his finger-nails were black deep into the quick. He peered at Miss Caroline from a fist-sized clean space on his face. This tells us that he does not live a particularly healthy life at home and it is likely that his father hits him. We also see that he is very rude and cruel, due a tough family life. We see this put into action when Burris Ewell insults Miss C aroline: Aint no snot-nosed slut of a teacher ever born cn make me de nothin! You aint makin me go nowhere, missus. This emphasises the cruel, heartless characters the Ewells all inherit as they seem to enjoy insulting people and making them upset. We find out that Mr Bob Ewell is a very irresponsible father and we see this when he spends his relief cheques on green whisky his children have a way of crying from hunger pains. This shows how he neglects his children- he is an alcoholic so he is often drunk and takes his violence out on the children by hitting them, he doesnt make them go to school and does not feed them properly so they starve. We see from this how the Cunninghams are a much better class of people than the uneducated Ewells. However even the Ewells are not regarded as low as the black community, who are automatically seen as the bottom of the class system. They live beyond the town rubbish dump, which shows they are treated like rubbish, behind the Ewell residence and are kept away as far as possible. The black community are completely demonised and anything that goes wrong is always their fault, this is similar to how Boo is treated. When the children sneak into the collard patch everyone automatically assumes that it was one of the Negroes: Mr Radley shot at a negro at his collard patch. This shows how no matter the consequences, people will always accuse a member of the black community. In chapter 12, when Jem and Scout go to the first purchase church with Calpurnia, we are told that Negroes worshipped in it on Sundays and white men gambled in it on weekdays this shows that the white community do not show any form of respect and we see it as a disgrace, especially since it is a church. We also notice that it is challenging the stereotypes. The First Purchase church has a very humble nature: he stood beside a table in front of the pulpit and requested the morning offering. We see that they have good intentions as they plan to raise enough money to help Tom Robinsons wife and family, so we admire their humility, devotion and inspiration. We also see that the church really respects Atticus, This church has no better friend than your daddy. It shows that they really appreciate what he is doing for Tom, despite the difficulties and problems it is causing. Maycomb is a very prejudiced community and there are many racist citizens. Mrs Dubose tells the children that their fathers no better than the niggers and trash he works for! this shows how strongly opinionated some of the people are. Scouts cousin Francis says that Atticus is ruining the family and we see how Aunt Alexandra does not like to talk about important matters in front of Calpurnia and them these examples all show how Maycomb does not have any respect for the black community and are unwilling to understand that they deserve to be treated the same. However, we also see another form of prejudice: I wants to know why you bringin white chillun to nigger church. This is a new form of prejudice where we see black people being prejudiced to white people and also to one another: stop right there, nigger. It is possible that they are trying to devalue the meaning by using it to call one another. However, we notice how the black community act immediately on any form of prejudice and deal with the problem as they feel it is inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour. This is a different reaction from the white people as they do not try to control the prejudice and racial discrimination as they do not seem to care about it. This is an important chapter which the writer has included. It emphasizes how the black and white community differ in the way that they respond to prejudiced behaviour. We learn that the black community have a much more respectable and honourable way of dealing with uneasy situations as they are willing to solve any arising problem. We observe how Miss Caroline does not understand that the Maycomb children are tough and know how to do most of the things, that she has come to teach, already. She is oblivious to the fact that they come from a different world to her and are more experience than she thinks. We notice how the children are suspicious of outsiders and are prejudice and judgemental to begin with, since she has arrived from a different p art of the country. Maycomb is a very intolerant community and expects people who are different to conform. They are harsh and do not accept people for who they are, like Boo. Most of the community spreads rumours and gossip about Boo Radley, portraying him as a Malevolent phantom. They demonise him and blame him for morbid nocturnal events: Although the culprit was Crazy Addie, who eventually drowned himself in Barkers Eddy, people still looked at the Radley Place, unwilling to discard their initial suspicions. As he is different from everyone else, the inhabitants fear what might be and are very superstitious: the Radley chickenyard tall pecan trees shook their fruit into the schoolyard, but the nuts were left untouched: Radley pecans would kill you. They do not treat him the same as everyone else as they feel since he is an outcast from the community, he means danger. We see that Maycomb is very prejudiced, in chapter 5 when we learn about the Foot-washing Baptists. The author cleverly uses foot washers as a way to bring the intolerance of Maycomb into the story. They believe that anything that is a pleasure is a sin and that if people do not follow the correct ways of living, by staying inside and reading the bible, they might as well just go to hell: they thought I spent too much time in Gods outdoors and not enough time inside the house reading the bible and told me me and my flowers were going to hell. This is an example of intolerance taken to an extreme. It shows how the foot-washin g Baptists do not accept other peoples differences and it exaggerates the intolerant attitude that they have towards others. When Aunt Alexandra comes to stay, we see that she stereotypes people in Maycomb. She believes that everyone had a streak: Everyone in Maycomb it seemed had a streak: a Drinking streak, a Gambling streak, a Mean streak, a Funny streak. This shows how she is very judgemental of other people and their families. She is very different from Atticus- who sees people for who they are and does not judge people. She also has very traditional views of how women should behave and the appropriate clothing one should wear. We see several examples of this and one is when she tells Scout: it would be best for you to have some feminine influence. It wont be many years before you are interested in clothes and boys this shows how Aunt Alexandra has high expectations for how a lady should behave. We also see how she is prejudice and does not see Calpurnia as an appropriate sourc e of feminine influence. She does not approve of Scouts personality or behaviour and describes her as sluggish. Throughout the novel, we learn about the attitudes of Maycomb from a childs point of view. Scouts naivety encourages us to look at the injustices from a new angle and to question the values of the town. The innocent six year old, questions the meaning of issues, like rape, which develops our social awareness of the novel. To begin with, on the surface of Maycomb, we see it as a friendly, harmless place where nothing much happens. Children play on the streets and ladies bathed before noon, after their three-oclock naps which creates an easy-going, innocent, trouble-free picture. However, the more we learn about it the more concerned we become about the serious problems with prejudice and racism that Maycomb holds. The author cleverly makes us realise that there is much more to Maycomb than what we thought at the beginning of the novel.

Our Pledge To Save The Earth

Our Pledge To Save The Earth Earth gives us all we ever needed, wanted and desired for. Then dont you think in your good heart that we owe so much to our planet to reduce the negative impacts of Global Warming that is affecting us and many generations to come? The climate changes are gradually leading to something rigorous around us and we have to act before it is too very late. Why not understand what it is all about and do our bit? After all, saving our planet saves us and all the living beings, and the amazing natural environment isnt it? Understanding Global Warming The increase in the average surface temperature of the earth resulting in dire climatic conditions is called Global Warming, which is resulting in melting glaciers and rising temperatures across the globe. Consequentially, it is alerting us about the environmental hazards and increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, referred to as carbon footprint. Global warming would give rise to additional problems in the future, thereby affecting the quality of life of every single amiable creature. Causes of Global Warming The major causes causing global warming are the release of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane, among others, leading to the greenhouse effect. This phenomenon allows the solar heat and light enter the earths atmosphere, but prevents its radiation back into the space. Coal, used as a fuel in the power generation plants, produces large amounts of carbon dioxide. The burning gasoline in automobile engines are contributing to more than 20% of the carbon dioxide content in the atmosphere, majorly due to sport utility bikes, vehicles and cars. Further, methane is emitted from sources such as fossil fuel production, rice paddies, bacteria from wetlands etc. The decayed soil with organic matter in the water-flooded rice fields emits high content of methane into the atmosphere. Another major contributor to the greenhouse effect is the sweet odoured and colorless nitrous oxide. The cars using catalytic convertors, burning up the organic matter, the agriculture segment using fertilizers, and the production of nylon and nitric acid add to the amount of nitrous oxide in the atmosphere. The escalating requirements to build infrastructure facilities, increased demand for urbanization, industrialization, and extensive construction projects all of which absorb large acres of land, are resulting in deforestation. With forests being natural sources releasing high oxygen content into the atmosphere, deforestation is another significant issue influencing the process of global warming, as the diminishing greenery reduces the oxygen content in the atmosphere to a large extent. Negative Effects of Global Warming The increase in the facade temperature of the earth has already embarked on melting of ice in the polar region, consequently resulting in mean sea levels. The frequency in occurrence of natural calamities such as earth quakes, floods, tsunamis are expected to rise during the upcoming years. The damaging outcomes of global warming also influence various seasons in a year with condensed rainfall and longer summers. The forests are a natural habitat to a wide variety of plant and animal species. As a result of deforestation, many of the birds and animals are experiencing unnatural deaths and nearing extinction. The birds are suffering a major setback with altered environmental conditions and are trying to adapt to different migratory locations and travel seasons. Furthermore, the discharge of industrial waste into the sea is gradually destroying the underwater world putting aquatic life at risk. Importantly, the environmental changes and the climatic conditions are leading to increased number of ailments and diseases among human beings and some of the common animals living in city environs. Our Earnest Contribution As inhabitants of our mother earth, we ought to be committed to save our planet and make it a safer place to live in. We can exist only if the animals, seas, forests, rivers, and oceans exist. All of us can largely contribute and secure our earth against destruction if we practice things as: Plant trees in and around your area Contribute to reduce the levels of noise and environmental pollution Ensure not to waste water and adopt rain water harvesting at homes Significantly decrease the use of plastic and switch over to reusable cloth bags For calculations, making lists and writing messages, write on the back of old documents Choose to buy products with minimal packaging and buy refills instead of new ones Avoid the use of aluminum foils and plastic bags; instead carry a reusable lunch box for packing food Save electricity. Switch off all appliances and lights before leaving home when not required. Replace the incandescent lighting with power saving CFLs (Compact Fluorescent Lamp) and LED (Light Emitting Diode) lighting systems Save cooking fuel. Cover utensils while cooking. Use of pressure cookers and steamers save up to 70% of the energy Run washing machines on smaller cycles and use soap powders/detergents containing enzymes to save water and energy. Use clothesline instead of dryers Use small cloth napkins and towels to dry your hands and face instead of using tissues Employ the use of bicycles or walk up to certain distances and usage of public transportation facilities and decrease the use of cars. Also, using electric vehicles prove to be more energy efficient compared to petrol and diesel vehicles Buy external hard disks, flash drives, rewritable CDs and DVDs for easier data storage options, and reuse the hardware of your computer systems rather than investing on a new set of devices Choose to implement teleconferencing for important overseas meetings and eliminate the requirement to fly often In this manner, we can involve ourselves to prevent as well as stop the hazards being enforced on our planet and save our mother nature from being destroyed with our own hands. So make your pledge today, at this very moment! Be sensitive to secure our magnificent planetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Gettysburg Essay example -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gettysburg, the largest, bloodiest, and most celebrated battle of the Civil war, is said by many to be the turning point of the war that killed 618,000 Americans. Gettysburg the movie was four hours long, which is about 68 hours less than it actually took for the battle to come and go. The first shots were fired no long after daylight, so to be exact, it was 04:30 hours, on the morning of July 1st, (49 Nofi). Bullets flew from the rifles of Union Calvary men on picket duty along the Chambersburg Pike. It was in response to the advancing of Confederates, a skirmish line of 2,500 led by Henry Keith, a General that graduated last in his class at West Point (104 Clark).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The battle took place in the grassy country just south of Gettysburg. The Confederate headquarters was located East of the union at Seminary Ridge. Seminary Ridge was composed largely of flat fields with patches of forests. Federal forces however, were set along Culpshill, Cemetery Hill, and Cemetery Ridge, which made the Federals line form a hook. The Federal ground was all elevated considerably over the surrounding land. General Stuart and his Calvary had been sent by Lee on an observation mission to locate union forces. Fortunately for the Virginian army, General Longstreet had hired a spy known only as Harrison, to do the same job. This Harrison was an actor and because General Stuart returned late, it was by his word that the entire Southern army made it's move (181 Coddington). On July 1st, Confederate forces soon found themselves face to face with brigade General John Buford who was uphill and eventually gained the upper hand as he received reinforcements f rom Major General John Reynolds. Bufords own brigade sustained many casualties and after the 1st, was reassigned to guarding the supply train for the remainder of the battle, (movie).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  July 1st was the same day that the Potomac army found itself replacing General Hooker with General Mead. Meade helped his army secure a well protected area on Cemetery Ridge, and Culps Hill, where it would stay, (aside from the left flank), until the end of the battle. Meade's army line stretched three miles and had an average of 17,000 men per mile, (105 Clark). Lee's army line stretched approximately two miles longer, but averaged about 10,000 men per mile, (105 ... ...r with itself. The brother against brother and friend against friend mentally made fighting even harder. In one particular instance, General Amistead who was leading his Confederate brigade up the slope during Picketts charge, was shot on the Union line. Instantly he was noticed by Colonel Chamberlain's brother Thomas, who instead of killing Amistead, helped him lay down to ease his pain. General Amistead was good friends with Hacock a Union General. Amistead requested to speak with Hancock, but Thomas Chamberlain informed him that Hancock had also been shot. Upon hearing this, Amistead was greatly saddened. Union soldiers then carried Amistead to field hospital where he died two days later. Hancock survived the wound at Gettysburg and went on to run for the Presidency on the Democratic ticket in 1880.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  All in all the war seemed to me senceless, the Confederate and Federal Generals knew this and wore it on their faces, constantly giving orders and pulling triggers in vain. A prime example would be Longstreets following of orders in the midst of doubt. The movie was very well made; it showed the harsh realities of war and the great simplicity of life.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Fahrenheit 451 Argumentative Essay Was meeting Clarisse good or bad for Montag? In the book Fahrenheit 451 the main character, Montag, meets Clarisse someone he has recently known. She changes and adjusts his whole life. Clarisse brings valuable and wonderful effects upon Montag, but she also brings disastrous effects upon him too. In the society where Montag lives a firefighter’s job is to burn books. Montag is a fireman. Montag burned books for a living, but he has never questioned why the fireman's job is to burn books. Clarisse comes along making Montag realize there is more truth behind his regular, dull life. She always asks him odd questions that Montag has to ponder into his thoughts to answer them truthfully. Meeting Clarisse was good for Montag because she is the reason for motivation that urges Montag forward in his journey of self-realization, she helps him realize that his life has particularly been a lie, and she helps him recognize what he really feels on certain topics. Clarisse brings out a different side inside of Montag, and she brings him out of the little shell he has lived in. Montag is awed by Clarisse's curiosity and questioning. Because she is an person who has her own soul and makes her own decision. Clarisse helps Montag realize this by proving she is beneficial for Montag. For example in the book Clarisse asks Montag, â€Å"Do you ever read any of the book you burn?† and Montag replies by laughing, â€Å"That’s against the law!†. She is not afraid to ask questions that no one would dare to ask. Montag is always intrigued by her. She is unafraid to express her ideas and she challenges Montag by asking him why he is a fireman, burning books. When Montag goes to burn books at someone's home he always thinks about w... ...ds him in discovering his true feelings towards various things in his life. In conclusion Clarisse and Montag meeting was good for Montag because his life changed forever in a positive way even though there were some hassle. I believe that in the future Montag will never forget about Clarisse and always will be thankful for her when he reads books and becomes closer with Granger's group of book readers. Clarisse helped bring out a different side and perspective of Montag that had hidden behind his mind. He started breaking the rules and "living off the edge". Therefore meeting Clarisse was good for Montag because she acknowledges to him the absence of love, satisfaction, and happiness in his life, she helps him realize that his life has been mostly a lie, and she helps him recognize what he really feels on certain topics. She is a very positive influence on him.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chinese language and literature Essay

Chinese is a unique language. Anyone who learns it will find it difficult to really understand and master the language if he/she does not completely cast away the habits and concepts acquired from his/her mother tongue or other foreign languages. Chinese is a language of great international importance in the present world of globalization. Modern Chinese (also known as Mandarin, Pu Tonghua or Guoyu) is spoken in the People’s Republic of China and Taiwan, and increasingly so in Hong Kong. It is one of the four official languages in Singapore. There are significant communities of Mandarin speakers in Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia, the USA, Mongolia, Vietnam, Brunei, South Africa, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, the UK and Mauritius. Mandarin is spoken by about 1 billion of people all over the world. It is also one of the five official languages of the United Nations. The communicative unit of Chinese is the sentence. Sentences in Chinese are quite different from those in other languages. During communication, certain parts of a sentence may often be omitted. This is one of the differences between Chinese and other languages. The language and script of the Chinese language belongs to the ‘Sino-Tibetan’ family. Chinese is also described as a tonal language, which means that a syllable generally is pronounced with a characteristic tone. On the whole Chinese lacks the inflections (suffixes, prefixes) that are characteristic of many other languages. While foreigners are under the impression that Chinese characters are countless, the fact remains that even China does not have anyone capable of mastering all the characters. The Kangxi dictionary of 1716 contains 47,000 characters whereas the Chinese dictionary of 1986-90 contains 56,000 characters. In fact there are only 3,000 characters which are often used. Other than being a language it is used for writing and keeping records. Chinese also has a great value in the field of calligraphy and is greatly appreciated as a work of art. Over the vast area throughout which Chinese is spoken, there are many different dialects. Some of which are mutually unintelligible. Chinese characters are the symbols used to write Chinese. Chinese characters developed more than 3000 years ago out of ideographs. Some of these are still in use today. Every Chinese written character represents a one-syllable word. Many Chinese words, however, are compounds composed of two or more characters. In these compounds each character contributes a meaning to the total concept. Modern Chinese characters fall into two categories: One with a phonetic component, the other without it. Majority of those without a phonetic component developed from pictographs. Characters of this type which do not contain phonetic components account for only a small proportion of all Chinese characters, but many of them are in common use. Most of the Chinese characters contain a phonetic component that tells the pronunciation and an idea component that indicates something of the meaning. These idea components are also called radicals and are often written on the left-hand side of the character. There are more than 250 radicals. The phonetic component is often a character in itself. If one knows the pronunciation of the character it is based on, one can know the pronunciation of many characters in which that component is used. One of the unsolved problems of â€Å"pinyin† is that some characters, though written differently and with different meaning, sound the same. However, usually one can tell from the context which one to use. The tone of a Chinese word is just as important as it s pronunciation. This aspect of speaking Chinese is the most difficult for English speaking people to learn. In English, the tone of a word varies with the mood of the sentence; in Chinese, the tone stays the same whether the sentence is a question, exclamation or a simple statement. The Chinese written language is an ancient and unique writing system with a history of 6000 years. There are a total of 60,000 characters, of which only 3000-4500 are frequently used. Ancient Chinese characters evolved from pictures. Each Chinese character is composed of various strokes. These strokes are basically straight lines. From top to bottom and left to right are the main directions. There are eight basic strokes used for writing Chinese characters. These strokes are used in a certain order to write Chinese characters. In the past few decades standard language has gradually been formed based on the language of the norm with Beijing as the norm and a grammar modeled on modern vernacular writing. This language is called ‘Pu Tonghua’ and is gradually being popularized. It will eventually become the form of spoken and written Chinese in universal use. b) Discuss the ways in which Chinas language and literature reflect other aspects of Chinas culture such as kinship, art, politics, religion, economics, and the Chinese world view in general. A Chinese name is composed of two parts – a surname and a given name. The surname comes first, followed by the given name. Most surnames are monosyllabic. The most common surnames are Zhang, Wang, Li, Zhao and Liu. There are a few disyllabic surnames such as Zhuge, Ouyang and Shangguan. Given names can be either monosyllabic or disyllabic.

Friend Classification

Friend categorization Having chums is an important part of life. It is promoters that I touch constantlyything with. There are many types of passel in the world and many types of admirers. cunning that, it becomes all the much important to convey the right heap so that I might get the correct heros. A friend is somebody that will ever be there for me. I ever so drive home a great bunch up of friends but some sequences some people are more of a friend then early(a)s. I have my universal intimacy friends and then I have my outdo friends.What is the difference between a outst parentage friend and a general acquaintances friend? A best friend is a person that I nonice well and regard with affection and trust. My best friend go to beds me conk out than any unmatchable and only(a), definitely better than my parents, and sometimes better than I know myself. For best friends there is a musical note, and an perception for every pointt shared unneurotic a intent of love, a feeling of happiness and a feeling of compunction a feeling of laughter, and a feeling of tears. My best friend has seen me at my worst, and helped me be my best.My best friend will eer declaim me that I look good, even on my worst days. My best friend is some single with whom Ive shared my most loose out of sights with, and laughed the loudest. Ive already made plans to name one of my children after her, in hopes that my next of one is a girl. And although we may grow aside and not talk to each new(prenominal) as much, it is safe to say that square best friends are the ones you have for life. My best friend always understands me, or at least pretends to, and she is always willing to mind to my opinions and never criticizes them, even if they are a little weird.We have a secret language with special codes that no one would ever be able to crack. She was with me and held my lapse when I got my belly button pierce and she was there with me when my dad threatened t o rip it out. She comes to all my family dramatic playctions like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter and makes fun of my strange great-aunts with me. When we go through these emotions together, we light upon and grow from them and become closer than ever before. A general acquaintance friend is just simply an acquaintance.This means that I basically only know their name. I might not even look on what they look like if I go away for a short vacation. Usually, I meet these types of friends in school, at work, on the bus, in the gym, or anywhere else I might be. I normally would not mind having a cup of burnt umber with them, but if anything else came up, I usually would have no problem parting company. I normally dont head for the hills them when they are elsewhere. It is also this type of friends who burst me the most amount of aggravation.Since most of the time I am placed in a position where you have to travel friendly, such(prenominal) as school or work, I would not normal ly tell an acquaintance when he or she is doing something aggravating, such as tapping the fingers a table or chewing gum loudly. This is why I call them pest friends. A general acquaintance friend is not mortal I would ever really intend hanging out with a helping or getting to know more than I have to. Human endurance is based on some figure of friendship. From the highest authority to the lowest bums living on the streets all of us have undergo in some way or the other one of these different kinds of friendships.I take this friendship for granted because it is something that exists naturally in orderliness and I never really have to actually go out into the world looking for a friend. My personal realization came when I had to inauguration life in a late city, in different surroundings. The feeling of loneliness I had was enough to drive a person to near madness. So in conclusion what Im nerve-wracking to say is that we cannot thrive successfully as individuals or as a society without having some form of friendship with other individuals rather it be general acquaintance friends or best friends.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

7 Wonders of the World

7 WONDERS OF THE WORLD identify Is to apprise the firm about 7 Wonders of The gentleman. SEQUENCE * History * seven several(prenominal) Wonders of the antique initiation * in the altogether septet Wonders of the arena * Ongoing heptad wonders of the Nature * review article * Conclusion HISTORY The origin of the bringing close together of seven Wonders of the World dates back to Herodotus (484 BC 425 BC) and Callimachus (305 BC 240 BC), who do lists which include 7 illustrious graze of old-fashi mavind world, and from at that place the Idea of 7 wonders started. Only the bigger(p) pyramid of Giza is smooth standing of those quaint wonders.The an an separate(prenominal)(prenominal) sestet were destroyed by earthquake, fire, or other causes. cutting Seven Wonders of the World is a project that attempts to remedy the Seven Wonders of the quaint World design with a list of modern wonders. A best-selling(predicate)ity poll was being led by Canadian-Swiss Bern ard Weber and organized by the Swiss-based, controlled by New7Wonders Foundation, with winners announced on July 7, 2007 in Lisbon, Portugal. Seven Wonders of the Ancient World slap-up Pyramid of Giza * The expectant Pyramid of Giza Built 2560 BC. * The prominent Pyramid of Gizais the oldest and largest of the threepyramidsin theGiza.This is the solo champion of theSeven Wonders of the Ancient Worldthat survives in the world. * It is believed the pyramid was rein effectd as a tomb forFourth dynastyEgyptianPharaoh Khufu and constructed over a 20 socio-economic class issue concluding just about 2540 BC. * The large Pyramid was thetallest man-made structurein the world for over 3,800 socio-economic classs. * Originally the Great Pyramid was covered by grammatical case jewels that formed a smooth outer(a) surface. * The Great Pyramid of Giza is the main break down of a complex setting of constructions that included devilmortuary templesin comply of Khufu ( unitary close to the pyramid and one lift the Nile).Hanging Gardens of Babylon * TheHanging Gardens ofBabylon are considered to be one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. They were built by the ChaldeankingNebuchadnezzar II approximately 600 BC. * He is re fashioned to hire constructed the gardens to revel his sick wife, who longed for the trees and fragrant plants of her home popPersia. * The cloudburst Hanging Gardens are extensively documented by Hellenichistorians much(prenominal) asStraboandDiodorus Siculus. Through the ages, the location may start out been confused with gardens that existed atNimrud. The gardens were destroyed by several earthquakes later on the 2nd atomic number 6 BC. Statue of genus Zeus at Olympia * TheStatue of Zeus at Olympiawas made by the Greek sculptorPhidias, circa 432 BC on the place where it was erected in theTemple of Zeus, Olympia, Greece. *It was considered to be one of theSeven Wonders of the Ancient World. * For six hundred years after the remnant of the sculptor, people from all over the civilize world travelled to view it as it was thought to be a calamity to die without seeing this work. The seated statue, most 12 steps (39 feet) tall, occupied the complete comprehensiveness of the aisle of the temple built to house it. It seems that ifZeuswere to stand up, the geographerStrabonoted archaeozoic in the first nose bay windowdy BC, he would unroofed the temple. Temple of Artemis * TheTemple of Artemis similarly known less precisely asTemple ofDiana, was atemple utilise toArtemis terminate in its close famed phase around 550 BC atEphesus(in pre direct-day dud). * Here were previous temples on its site, where evidence of a sanctuary dates as early as theBronze Age. The whole temple was made of marble get out for the roof. The Temple of Artemis was set near the ancient city of Ephesus, about 50km south from a modern port city ofTurkey.Today the site lies on the bank of the modern town ofSelcuk. * The Temp le of Artemis at Ephesus was destroyed on July 21, 356 BC in an act of arson committed byHero stratus. According to the story, his motivation was fame at any cost, frankincense the termherostratic fame. * A man was found to plan the fervent of the temple of Ephesian Diana so that by the destruction of this most beautiful building his name might be scatter through the whole world. The temple was restored after Alexanders death, in 323 BC. * This reconstruction was itself destroyed during a warin 262. * The Ephesians rebuilt the temple once again. * In 401, the temple in its last random variable was finally destroyed by a mob led by St. can buoy Chrysostom,and the stones were used in construction of other buildingsMausoleum of Halicarnassus * TheMausoleum at Halicarnassus was atombbuilt amidst 353 and 350 BC in Turkey forMausolus, asatrapin thePersian Empire, andArtemisia II of Caria, his wife and sister. It stood approximately 45 meters (135 ft) in whirligig, and each of the quad sides was adorned with sculptedreliefscreated by each one of four Greek sculptors. * The beauty of the Mausoleum was not completely in the structure itself, but in the decorations and statues that adorned the outside at unlike levels on the podium and the roof statues of people, lions, horses, and other animals in varying scales. The four Greek sculptors who carved the statues were each responsible for one side. * The Mausoleum overlooked the city of Halicarnassus for numerous years.It was untouched when the city fell to Alexander tether of Macedon in 334 BC and still unimpaired after attacks bypiratesin 62 and 58 BC. It stood above the citys ruins for sixteen centuries. thusly a series of earthquakes shattered the columns and sent the bronze chariot crashing to the ground. By 1404 AD only the very base of the Mausoleum was still recognizable. Lighthouse of Alexandria * TheLighthouse of Alexandriawas a dominate built in the 3rd light speed BC (between 285 and 247 BC) on theislandof Pharos inAlexandria. With a whirligig variously estimated at between 115 and 135m (380 and 440ft) it was identified as one of theSeven Wonders of the Ancient World. * The lighthouse was completed in the 3rd century BC. * Alexander died haply at age 32, Ptolemy Soter (Saviour, named so by the inhabitants of Rhodes) made himself king in 305 BC and ordered the construction of the Pharos currently thereafter. The building was finished during the reign of his son. * The twoearthquakesin 1303 and 1323 change the lighthouse to the expiration that the Arab travelerIbn Battutareported no long-life being able to enter the ruin.Even the stubby remnant disappeared in 1480. freak of Rhodes * The giant star of Rhodeswas astatueof the Greek godHelios, erected in the city ofRhodeson theGreekisland ofRhodesbyChares of Lindrosbetween 292 and 280 BC. It is considered one of theSeven Wonders of the Ancient World. Before its destruction, the Colossus of Rhodes stood over 30 meters (107ft) high, making it one of the tallest statues of the ancient world. * The structure as being built with urge ontie bars to which brass plates were stubborn to form the skin.The interior of the structure, which stood on a 15-meter- (50-foot-) high whitemarble floornear the harbor entrance, The statue itself was over 30 meters (107 ft) tall. Much of the iron . * The statue stood for only 56 years until Rhodes was hit by the226 BC Rhodes earthquake, when significant damage was to a fault do to large portions of the city, including the harbor and commercial buildings, which were destroyed. * The the Great Compromiser lay on the ground as set forth byStrabo(Greekhistorian) for over 800 years, and even broken, they were so impressive that many traveled to see them. In 654, an Arab force captured Rhodes, the remains were sold to a Jewish merchant, The buyer had the statue broken down, and transported the bronze speckle on the backs of 900 camels to his home.There is compelling ev idence, however, that all traces of the Colossus had actually disappeared long before the Arab invasion. New Seven Wonders of the World Taj Mahal * TheTaj Mahal is a remembrancelocated inAgra, India, built by Mughal emperor butterfly butterflyShah Jahanin memory of his wife,Mumtaz Mahal. The Taj Mahal is considered the finest standard ofMughal architecture, a style that combines elements from Persian,Indian, andIslamicarchitectural styles. In 1983, the Taj Mahal became aUNESCOWorld hereditary pattern Site. * In 1631, Shah Jahan, emperor during theMughal empires period of superlative prosperity, was grief-stricken when his third wife, Mumtaz Mahal, died during the birth of their ordinal child. locution of the Taj Mahal began in 1632, one year after her death. The principal construction was completed in 1648. * BY the late nineteenth century, parts of the buildings had fallen badly into isrepair. During the succession of theIndian rebellion of 1857, It also damaged during Brit ish period, At the end of the nineteenth century,Lord Curzonordered a abundant restoration project, which was completed in 1908. Great groin of China * TheGreat environ of Chinais a series of stone and earthenfortificationsin northerlyChina, built, rebuilt, and maintain between the 5th century BC and the 16th century to protect the Yankee borders of theChinese Empirefromattacks during various resultant dynasties. Since the 5th century BC, several walls have been built that were referred to as the Great Wall.One of the most famous is the wall built between 220206 BC by the firstEmperor of China. * Great Wall, with all of its branches, stretches for 8,851. 8km (5,500. 3mi). This is made up of 6,259. 6km (3,889. 5mi) of sections of actual wall, 359. 7km (223. 5mi) of trenches and 2,232. 5km (1,387. 2mi) of natural defensive barriers such as hills and rivers. * At present some portions north of Beijing and near tourer nubs have been preserved and even extensively renovated, in ma ny locations the Wall is in disrepair.Many Parts have been destroyed because the Wall is in the way of construction. More than 60kilometers (37mi) of the wall inGansuprovince may disappear in the next 20 years, due to erosion fromsandstorms. In places, the height of the wall has been reduced from more than phoebe bird meters (16. 4ft) to less than two meters. The square(p) lookout towers that characterize the most famous images of the wall have disappeared completely. Many horse opera sections of the wall areconstructed from mud, rather than brick and stone, and thus become more harmful for the building.Roman amphitheatre * Roman Coliseum in the concern of the city ofRome,Italy, the largest ever built in theRoman Empire. It is one of the greatest whole caboodle ofRoman architecture. its construction started between 70 and 72 AD under the emperorVespasianand was completed in 80 AD. * Construction of the Colosseum began under the rule of the EmperorVespasianin around 7072AD. The site chosen was a flat area on the floor of a low valley between the Hills, By the 2nd century BC. * In 217, the Colosseum was badly damaged y a major fire (caused by lightning) which destroyed the wooden upper levels of the amphitheatres interior. It was not fully repaired until about 240, again mayhap to repair damage caused by a major earthquake in 443 and again constructed in 484 and 508. * Severe damage was inflicted on the Colosseum by the great earthquake in 1349, also country caused sevear damage by the earthquake. * Much of the tumbled stone was reused to build palaces, churches, hospitals and other buildings elsewhere in Rome. * But again at 19th centaury Roman rebuilt it. The Colosseum is straight off one of Romes most popular phaeton attractions, receiving millions of visitors annually. * On July 7, 2007, the Colosseum was voted as one of New Open World CorporationsNew Seven Wonders of the World. Petra * Petrameaningrock Its inJordan, evasiveness on the slope ofMoun tin abasinamong the mountains which form the eastern flank of Arabah , the large valley foot race from theDead Seato theGulf of Aqaba. * Petra is also one of theNew Seven Wonders of the World. The constructed it as their capital city around atomic number 6 BC. The site suffers from a host of threats, including make of ancient structures, erosion due to fill and wrongful rainwater drainage, weathering from salt upwelling, improper restoration of ancient structures, and unsustainable tourism. The latter has increase substantially ever since the site was named one of theNew Seven Wonders of the Worldin 2007 Machu Picchu * Machu Picchulocated 2,430meters (8,000ft) above sea level. It is set on a mountain ridge above theUrubamba ValleyinPeru, much referred to as The Lost City of the Incas, Machu Picchu is one of the most familiar symbols of theInca Empire. The Incas started building it around AD 1430. * Machu Picchu was declared a Peruvian Historical Sanctuary in 1981 and a UNES COWorld Heritage Sitein 1983. * Machu Picchu was built in the classical Inca style, with dresseddry-stone walls. Its primary buildings are theIntihuatana, theTemple of the Sun, and the means of the Three Windows. These are located in what is known by archaeologists as the unspeakable Districtof Machu Picchu. * Machu Picchu was constructed around 1462, at the height of the Inca Empire.It is likely that most of its inhabitants were wiped out by smallpoxbefore theSpanishconquistadoresarrived in the area, and there is no record of the Spanish having known of the remote city. * An area of 325. 92 square kilometers surrounding Machu Picchu was declared a Historical Sanctuary of Peru in 1971. In addition to the ruins, this sanctuary area includes a large portion of adjoining region, risque withfloraandfauna. * Machu Picchu was designated as aWorld Heritage Sitein 1983 when it was described as an absolute masterpiece of architecture and a unique testimony to the Inca refining Christ the delivery boy Christ the Redeemeris astatueofJesus ChristinRio de Janeiro,Brazil considered the largestart deco (Art Decowas a popular international art design sweat from 1925 until the 1940s)statue in the world. The statue stands 39. 6meters (130ft) tall, including its 9. 5 meter (31 ft) pedestal, and 30meters (98ft) wide. It weighs 635 tons (700short tons), and is located at the peak of the 700meters (2,300ft)Corcovadomountain. It is one of the tallest of its motley in the world. the statue has become an icon of Rio and Brazil. The composition for erecting a large statue atop Corcovado was first suggested in the mid 1850s, which pay fromPrincess Isabelto build a large religiousmonument. The second proposal for a largelandmarkstatue on the mountain was made in 1921 by the Catholic clan of Rio. The group organized an event calledSemana do Monumento(Monument Week) to attract donations and furl signatures to support the building of the statue. The donations came mostly fromBrazi lian Catholics. Chichen Itza * Chichen Itzais a largepre-Columbian archaeologic sitebuilt by theMaya acculturationlocated in the northern center of the Mexico.Chichen Itza was a major regional focal point in the northern Maya lowlands from the late(a) unsulliedthrough theTerminal Classicand into the early portion of theEarly Postclassicperiod. The site exhibits a multitude of architectural styles, from what is called Mexicanized * Chichen Itza is maintain by Mexicos(National Institute of Anthropology and History, INAH). The land under the monuments, however, is privately-owned by the Barbican family. * roughlyethnohistoricsources claim that in about 987 aToltecking arrived here with his army from primal Mexico made Chichen Itza his capital.The art and architecture from this period shows an interesting mix of Maya and Toltec styles. * Chichen Itza was a major economic power in the northern Maya lowlands. * Its a largest tourist place in Mexico but Over the preceding(a) several years, INAH, which manages the site, has been closing monuments to public access. duration visitors can walk around them, they can no longer climb them or go inside their chambers. The most new was El Castillo, which was closed after a San Diego, Calif. , woman fell to her death in 2006.